Helping the vulnerable during times of need

JLL employee uses his piloting skills to help transport patient.

28 March 2020

David Dominy, a Managing Director on JLL’s Valuation Advisory team, is a long-time airplane pilot who is using his 43 years of flying experience to help people during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

His March 15 flight spanned just 230 nautical miles, and it was one of the most important trips of his life.

David volunteered to fly an immunocompromised passenger on a private flight from her home in Laredo, Texas to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

David learned about the patient’s situation through Angel Flight South Central. The non-profit enlists certified volunteer pilots to provide free air transportation to individuals who need medical care and healthcare organizations that need to provide the care.

“I got involved with Angel Flight six years ago,” David said. “Having the opportunity to match my passion of flying with the mission of helping others is a gift. I have the same wonderful feeling every time I complete a flight and visit with the passengers, knowing it made their day a little better than it would have been otherwise.”

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